
Interesting Facts That Led To the Air Conditioning Revolution

It is easy to take air conditioning for granted when we live our lives in the constant cool air it provides. However, it is good to remind ourselves that people haven’t always been so lucky to be cooled down by cool indoor air. If the history of air conditioning interests you, you should consider reading Salvatore Basile’s book titled “ Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything.” Basile’s book shares some interesting facts about how we came to be cooled down by ice, fans, blowers, etc. For example, did you know that an ice making machine was patented as early as 1851? Unfortunately, this phenomenon did not catch on due to a network existing that stored and transported lake ice from cold climate regions. Interestingly enough, in 1940 an AC window unit retailed for $350. Today, that would be around $3,500!
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