Deep Breath In And Deep Breath Out
The holidays can be stressful even when we are trying our best to relax. From deadlines needing to be filled, in-laws coming to visit, or even just scrambling for a last-minute gift idea, a lot can happen during the holiday season. When it comes to feeling overwhelmed, the best thing you can always do is take a deep breath in and pause for a moment.
However, if your home's air quality is not in the best condition, that deep breath in might just stress you out even more. Why make your home a hostile environment instead of a place of calm? Here are some ways you can improve your home's indoor air quality to help you not only breathe better but also bring a sense of peace during these stressful times.
Clean Your Air Filters
We know that we might say this often, and we won't stop saying it, but you need to clean your air filters. With the holiday season, you use your heating system much more often, leading to a build-up of dust and other allergens in your air filters. Those air filters can get dirty fast, and a dirty air filter can put a lot of strain on not only your heating system but also your lungs! Dirty air filters can lead to an increased chance of mold spawning in your vents, and all that dust can lead to sinus infections.
The last thing you want to have to add to your list of errands is rushing to the pharmacy for cold medicine because you forgot to clean your air filters. Make sure to clean or replace your air filters at least every two months. Once you replace your filters, you will notice a significant difference in how you breathe indoors.
Christmas Tree Choice
When it comes to getting a Christmas tree, you have options, and you might be tempted to get a faux tree that is just as good as the real deal. Depending on what tree you decide to use, make sure you prepare your tree. For a live tree, you will need to make sure you clean it before bringing it inside. Now we are not talking about showering your tree, but instead, try running a vacuum or even leaf blower across your tree to shake out any pests, mold particles, dust, and other allergens it may have collected on the lot. Live trees can be messy, but they can help make your home smell a lot nicer if you pick the right tree.
If you opt for a fake tree, you do not have to worry as much about pests or other allergens, but that does not mean you cannot take precautions. For older or newer fake trees, make sure to properly wash and dry the tree to get rid of dust build-up or even mold. The same cleaning tips should apply to your Christmas tree decorations.
Ventilation Is King
Whether cooking a large meal or having some downtime by a fireplace, you need to have proper ventilation. With cooking, we know that sometimes burning food or pans heating up can release pollutants that can irritate our lungs and are often toxic in higher concentrations. Consider opening windows or running the exhaust fan to help circulate fresh air inside your home.
Make sure your fireplace has been inspected, but do consider opting for non-wood burning alternatives to help cut down on the potential risk of carbon monoxide leaks. Burning wood logs can release a lot of nasty pollutants, so if the goal is to get warm and cozy, there are much safer options available. Don't forget to replace the batteries on your carbon monoxide alarms.
Improving Air Quality One Step At A Time
No matter what you decide to do this holiday season, take the time to clean and prepare your home for the holidays to improve air quality. You can also create a simmer pot with your favorite essential oils and scents to fresh up your home, or bake fresh treats. At Cousin's Air, Inc. we know your indoor air quality is essential, so call us at (954) 228-5965, and we will be happy to help you relax this holiday season.