Air Conditioning Fans
Homeowners are always looking for new ways to lower power bills. Maybe you use solar energy to power certain appliances, or maybe your AC is controlled by a timer. But there’s one strategy of reducing electricity consumption that often goes overlooked: setting the AC system to “fan” mode.
The main purpose of the air conditioning fan is to circulate air throughout the house. In fan mode, you are not using the ac compressor pump or the outside cooling unit. This means less strain on the system and translates into lower utility bills.
Diagnosing Faulty Air Conditioning Fans
The AC fan removes heat from outside coils. It can break for a number of reasons.
One common problem is a malfunctioning fan motor. The motor might be worn out. Even if power is getting to the fan motor, a burned out motor will not function. These motors must be replaced if broken.
A malfunctioning thermostat also can cause problems with the AC fans. The thermostat works as a sensor by detecting room temperature. If the temperature is not the same as the setting, a switch turns on the compressor and AC fan. So, a defective thermostat could prevent the fans from working.
There are several other issues that can prevent the AC fan from functioning properly. Cousin's Air, Inc. can help you diagnose the issue and get your system up and running.
The Role Of Air Conditioning Fans
AC fans play an integral role in the air conditioning system. Without fans, air would not circulate, and in warmer months, that means extremely uncomfortable home inhabitants.
If you think there might be an issue with your AC fans, contact Cousin's Air, Inc.. We’ve been proudly serving South Florida residents for more than 18 years. To schedule a visit, Call Us Today!

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